Frequently Asked Questions

What is your average grant amount?

Grant amounts and limits may vary from year to year.  Successful applicants will have a range and variety of needs specific to their individual grant request.  As the funds grow so will the available amount to grant.  The Foundation will award grant requests for 2022 up to a limit of $2,500 per grant, with a $5,000 and $10,000 grant available for health-related applications.

Will you truly consider operating expenses?

Yes, we will consider operating expenses as long as the organization shows that the request meets one or more of the following criteria: urgency or immediacy to address a critical need, excitement because it is a bold, new venture, creativity in providing new solutions to age-old problems.

Does the application have to be submitted online?

Yes, completed applications must be submitted online. Please login at

Do you try to select new organizations for grants from year to year?

The Hillsboro Community Foundation Grant Selection Committee looks at every application each year.  We do not choose to rule out an organization because of previous funding received or not received.  We are looking for project/programs that address the criteria on the application.

Do you fund multi-year proposals?

The Hillsboro Community Foundation will consider funding some multi-year proposals.  These will not be a common practice and must present compelling information about the necessity of a multi-year grant.

Will you provide all of the funding for a project/program?

The Hillsboro Community Foundation feels that supporting 100% of the funding for a project/program is not a wise investment of Fund dollars, although “sweat equity” will be considered as a contribution from a group or organization.

We are not an established 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Will you consider our request?

Requests can come from organizations exempt under statute (i.e. educational institution, church, city, or county) or be formally linked to an organization with such designation as long as they meet the criteria of meeting a community charitable need.

If our organization was funded in the previous year do we have to submit a follow-up report?

Yes, you have a follow-up report that is due after notification of funding.  You will be asked on your application if this has been submitted.  If it has not, to even be considered eligible, your follow-up report must be submitted. Please contact Melissa Schreiber, Program Officer-Grants @ or 316-283-5474 for the online link to the follow up report