February 7, 2024

Marga Ebel Planned Estate Gift

In 2010, the Marga Ebel Estate donated a planned gift in excess of $350,000 for the establishment of the Marga Ebel Health Fund. In her later years, Marga expressed a desire to help children with the remainder of her estate. Her last teaching position at the Institute of Logopedics helped her to understand the need for resources to help children in need.

Investment earnings from the endowment fund are used to support children’s health. A portion of the annual distribution goes to the Marga Ebel Children’s Dental Care Program. The program provides dental care financial assistance for qualifying families of children attending USD 410 schools.

Since the program began in 2013, over $74,000 has been distributed by the Fund for dental care, along with $106,000 for a variety of other children’s health programs and projects.