April 27, 2024

Impact Fund Campaign

The Hillsboro Impact Fund was established through a major capital fundraising campaign in 2006 and 2007.  The purpose was to create a permanent endowment fund in which the earnings could be distributed annually to benefit charitable groups and community enhancement projects.

The campaign was a success with contributions from 118 individuals, families, companies, and other groups.  By December 31, 2007, pledges and contributions of more than $265,000 were received, exceeding the goal of $250,000. 

The Impact Fund remains open to additional gifts and has continued to receive new contributions every year since the original campaign.  HCF thanks and recognizes all donors to the fund for their support, and especially that first set of “founding” donors who made it all possible.

Hillsboro Impact Fund Founding Donors

Gold Founders

Brent & Lynette Barkman

Richard & Joyce Barkman

Carl Calam Family

Central National Bank

Emprise Bank

Don & Pauline Greenhaw Family

Mike & Carolyn Kleiber

Richard Nickel

Silver Founders

Marcella Bruce

Delores & John Dalke

Darrell & Charlene Driggers

Gerald & Sharon Funk

Jared & Julia Jost

Albert & Vada Reimer

Layne & Nancy Reusser

Ennis & Dayle Unruh

Bronze Founders

Doris Arnold

Johnnie & Myrta Bartel Family

Betty Bernhardt

Bremyer & Wise, LLC

Lawrence J. & Rita Brennan

Kathy Decker

Gary & Becky Evans

Roger & Cynthia Fleming

Ray & Aldina Franz

Kenneth & Bonnie Funk

Glenn & Janice Goertz

Dorothy, Randy & Terry Hagen

Jayson & Jan Hanschu

Keith & Judy Harder

Hillsboro Hardware, Inc.

Hillsboro Free Press

Harold B. Jost

Marvin & Rosella Jost

Kiwanis Club of Hillsboro

Adam & Ashley Kleiber

Andy & Jenny Kleiber

The Lumberyard, Inc.

Phyllis Meisinger

Gordon & Vicky Mohn

Marvin & Marilyn Ratzlaff

Kirby & Kathy Rector

John & Eileen Unruh

Paul & Christine Unruh

Robert & Susan Watson

Wheatbelt, Inc.

Randy & Janet Whisenhunt

Foundation Friends

N. E. Abrahams Memorial

Ray & Sylvia Abrahams

Lyman & Marie Adams

Lee & Verda Albrecht

David & Sue Baker

Jim & Elaine Baker

Ruth Bartel

Ruth Bartel Memorial

Brad & Rita Bartel

Kenneth (Bud) Buller Memorial

Richard & Joni Calam

Lavonne Carrington

Concrete Products, Inc.

Cooperative Grain & Supply

Len & Brenda Coryea

Warren & Ruby Dalke

John & Carol Dick

Jim & Karen Elliot

Emprise Bank Employees

G. George & Evelyn Ens

Willis & Marilyn Ensz

Norman & Rosella Epp

Harris & Debra Ewert

Fast Realty

Robert G. & Darlene Franz

Ray N. Funk Memorial

Steve & Michelle Glahn

Lowell & Judy Goering

Gaylord & Peggy Goertzen

Steve & Lou Greenhaw

Loren J. & Lois Groening Family

Celia Gross

Larry Hatteberg

James & Leanna Hefley

Ed & Margaret Hein

James E. & Darlene Hiebert

Hillsboro Community Hospital

Hillsboro H.S. Class of 1950

Hillsboro State Bank

Paul & Elaine Jantzen

Bruce & Kimberlee Jost

Kim & Delora Kaufman

Pearl Koch

Menno Lohrenz

Carl & Jane Long

Raymond & Eunice Matz

Larry & Elaine Nikkel

Michael & Shelly Padgett

Dean & Sandi Patterson

Kermit & Ruth Ratzlaff

Edith Rempel

Michael & Meredith Ryan

Clint & Ev Seibel

Robert Sextro

Randy & Ann Smith

Southwest Distributor

Elva Suderman

Wilmer & Hildegard Thiessen

Lou & Lori Thurston

John & Hilda Vogt

Rubena Wiebe

Raymond F. Wiebe

Clark & Anna Marie Wiebe

David & Susan Wiens

Eldon & Lavonne Wiens

Randy & Lindy Wiens

Evan & Rebecca Yoder